Important building regulations change will have an impact on new homes and existing homes taking effect on 15th June 2022 with 5 new approved documents being introduced and amendments to existing documents, F and L. These changes aim to bring environmentally friendly changes to the way new homes are built to produce around 30% less carbon emissions going forward into the future. This is just the first phase of the Future Buildings Standard that will take effect in 2025 which paves the way to highly efficient buildings which are zero carbon ready and fit for the future goal to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.
We aim to cover the key changes that will be taking effect to these approved documents and provide a guide for homeowners and installers to consolidate their knowledge and be fully aware on how this may impact their future renovation projects.
Key changes to Approved Document F and the effect this will have on your Bolton home
Document F focuses entirely on the ventilation within a property. Over the years there has been a gradual improvement to thermal performance with an encouragement on keeping warm air in and cold air out.
Whilst this is all well and good and reduces energy consumption it can lead to a build up of air pollutants such as moisture which can lead to mould growth or even the build-up of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. All of these can be a detriment to the health of the homeowner without sufficient ventilation within the property. Which is why Document F has been amended to introduce a legal requirement of background ventilation (trickle vents) within rooms to reduce air pollutants.
Key changes to Approved Document L and the effect this will have on your Manchester home
Document L focuses on the conservation of fuel and power relating to the energy efficiency in new build properties. Currently, wall cavities exist which can lead to a build up of condensation and therefore moisture, however, this is also a route for air to escape.
From June 2022, there will be greater scrutiny on the build quality of newer homes to ensure everything is insulated properly. An airtightness test for all dwellings will become mandatory leaving no margin for error. In addition to this, extra evidence of compliance will be introduced requiring photographic evidence of all builds. In combination with Part F above, new homes will retain energy better than before with higher fabric standards for insulation but also ventilate them well to reduce air pollution within a home, all leading to the decarbonisation of the energy grid.
Key changes to Approved Document O and the effect this will have on your North West home
Document O focuses on ensuring that buildings don’t overheat. From June 2022, buildings should make provisions to limit unwanted solar gains in the summer and to provide a means to remove heat from indoor environments. There is also a strong focus on the introduction of heat pumps as the primary provider of heating over wasteful electricity and the banning of current heating systems that use fossil fuels.
Paving the way for the future of UK households
With stringent methods of compliance being introduced, there will be no way for builders to cut corners and these 3 documents coincide with one another to ensure the safety of homeowners but also the sole focus on improving the energy efficiency of individual homes. As a nation, we will no longer be reliant on fossil fuels and this is the beginning of a long list of changes yet to happen.
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